Digital tools

Smart Delivery

The “Smart delivery” tool is an online space to create local delivery systems of agri-food products using the Short Food Supply Chain Model.

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Hear my Voice

The “Hear my voice” tool is an online space that brings together farmers, producers, consumers and other agri-food players to present ideas for new Short Food Supply Chains and find supporters and partners to bring their ideas to life.

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Communication material

#WeNeedLocal Food

#WeNeedLocalFood is a social media campaign that brings together people sharing an interest in high-quality, nutritious and tasty local food. The tool contains a step-by-step to use social media to create campaigns, messages and discussions to promote local food in the modern society.

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Event organisation

Let’s build our SFSCs

The “Let’s build our SFSC” tool is a guide that supports the organisation of local events to bring agri-food actors together and create new collaborations and partnerships through Short Food Supply Chains.

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Let’s meet!

The “Let’s meet” tool is a guide to support the organisation of local events to celebrate and promote local products, remarkable people and stories.

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