“Open day” events
When you as a farmer and/or food producer are selling your products directly to customers on-site or close to your production locations, you improve transparency and trust, and contribute to minimising food waste.
As it seems that consumers will continue to favour e-commerce as one of many ways to shop, “Open day” events could also be a chance to have face2face meetings with this group of costumers.
“Open day” events are a good chance to improve transparency and trust, and contribute to minimising food waste by:
- Presenting a wide range of local products – or some specific products
- Making direct information available about the origin of the products and cultivation conditions etc.
- Demonstrating high-quality of products, fair prices and accessibility
- Sharing first-hand experience in relation to product knowledge and traceability
- Establishing and improving producer-consumer interaction
- Making high quality, fresh and healthy food available

Open day event in your region
Organise your own Open Day event!
Click the material you would like to use for your event and adapt and adjust according to your needs.
Use our event organization material