The “Let’s meet” tool is a guide to support the organisation of local events to celebrate and promote local products, remarkable people and stories.
agroBRIDGES empowers farmers through new business and marketing models based on Short Food Supply Chains (SFSC).
If you are a farmer or food producer, we would like to make it easier for you to connect directly with users of your products such as consumers, institutional kitchens, restaurants etc.
To make things easy for you, we have developed a set of templates, concept descriptions and promotional materials, which you can adapt and adjust according to your needs.
We focus on 4 different types of events:
- Open days
- Producer events
- Culinary events
- Celebrating local SFSC – local heroes
“Open day” events
When you as a farmer and/or food producer are selling your products directly to customers on-site or close to your production locations, you improve transparency and trust, and contribute to minimising food waste.
As it seems that consumers will continue to favour e-commerce as one of many ways to shop, “Open day” events could also be a chance to have face2face meetings with this group of costumers.
“Open day” events are a good chance to improve transparency and trust, and contribute to minimising food waste by:
- Presenting a wide range of local products – or some specific products
- Making direct information available about the origin of the products and cultivation conditions etc.
- Demonstrating high-quality of products, fair prices and accessibility
- Sharing first-hand experience in relation to product knowledge and traceability
- Establishing and improving producer-consumer interaction
- Making high quality, fresh and healthy food available

Open day event in your region
The event was tested in one country by the agroBRIDGES project. Download the reports to see what happened (available in English).
Organise your own Open Day event!
Click the material you would like to use for your event and adapt and adjust according to your needs.
“Celebrate local heroes” events
Making heroes out of food producers!
The goal is to make heroes out of farmers and food producers who try to comply with the challenges of this time: more sustainable food production and shortening the food supply chain.
Farmers and food producers often are the creators of transformations and development in the food landscape. Our event focuses on showcasing the best examples for the development of sustainable local food production and shortening the distance between consumers and producers. The goal is to pay tribute to individuals and companies that make a difference to inspire others and accelerate the positive change.

“Celebrate local heroes” events in your region
The event was tested in one country by the agroBRIDGES project. Download the reports to see what happened (available in English).
Organise your own “Celebrate local heroes” event!
Make your own concept for celebrating local heroes in your area or region. Below you can download a template to use for the concept development and information about how to promote your event.
“Culinary events” events
Culinary events are a well-known way to connect food producers with consumers and other customers.
You find many culinary events around the world. Some attract international visitors and others local consumers, food professionals and others from mainly the local area or region.

Local Cooking
Skilled restaurants from a local area compete to make the best dish with local ingredients. The restaurants are judged by both a professional panel of judges and 200 guests who participate in a dinner event à local ingredients, restaurants and cooking educations are promoted.
Pop Up Restaurants
Local restaurants and ingredients are promoted, and consumers connect with the restaurants and ingredients suppliers, but also restaurants and ingredients suppliers experience the benefits of direct cooperation.
Copenhagen Cooking
An annual food festival celebrating the capital’s food scene. Over the course of ten days chefs, restaurants, gastro-nerds, cultural institutions and foodies join forces to celebrate the city’s vibrant food scene many sub-events are promoted, many different actors in the food related businesses join forces during the festival and have the option to continue the new “friendships” after the festival.
Culinary event in your region
The event was tested in 6 countries by the agroBRIDGES project. Download the reports to see what happened (available in English).
Organise your own Culinary Event!
Click the material you would like to use for your event and adapt and adjust according to your needs.
Producer events
SFSC is a unique way to reconnect food users and food producers by providing both fresh and high-quality products at affordable prices.
At Producer events, customers can be guided to understand and experience the holistic quality of local food production, and some of the practical challenges in the transition to a more direct business relationship can be overcome with a direct dialogue and use of new business models.

B2B Taste markets
SFSC is a unique way to reconnect food users and food producers by providing both fresh and high-quality products at affordable prices.
At Producer events, customers can be guided to understand and experience the holistic quality of local food production, and some of the practical challenges in the transition to a more direct business relationship can be overcome with a direct dialogue and use of new business models.

Meet the Producer – Local Food Open Event
Producers are coming together to meet consumers and show what is on offer at an informal, drop-in ‘market style’ event. Consumers can find out more about what local foods are, have samples of food and drinks, find out how and where they can buy local produce and meet the producers who supply local ingredients. A range of dedicated local producers will be on-hand to let consumers, taste, buy and learn about their local wares. The producer event can be combined with a local, easy to use click-and-collect service offered by a group of producers.
Producer events in your region
The event was tested in 5 countries by the agroBRIDGES project. Download the reports to see what happened (available in English).
Organise your own Producer event!
Find out how you want to meet your present and future customers at your own tailormade Producer event. Consider what will create the most value for your business.