Specify the type of product or service you propose *
Is your idea about a new agri-food product or a new service you wish local farmers, producers and suppliers could offer in your region? You can select one or more of the options provided below or type a new one by clicking the “Other” option.
Please specify the product type(s) your idea relates to: *
Some ideas are better connected to specific product types. Please select the categories of new products from the list or add a new type. If you are proposing a service, select the product types it would work best for.
Please describe the products in more detail:
Are the proposed products more specific or unique in terms of location, production method or else? Provide a short description below.
Give a short title for your idea: *
Describe your need for product/service:
Describe your needs you have for local agri-food products. You can talk about products, services, conveniences you miss in your local market.
Describe existing solutions covering this need: *
Describe solutions existing in your local market related to your needs and how well or not they work. This will help producers to know what to avoid.
Describe how your idea is better: *
Explain how your idea better covers the need you described. This will help producers to come up with better solutions. Your idea will become reality faster.
Upload any available material to support your idea:
You can upload images and other visual material to convince others to support your idea.
Explain your idea with examples!
You saw something in another region or country you want to bring in your local market? You can describe it here, so producers know how to start building their solutions!
You cannot describe your ideas only with words? You can add a link to another farmer’s business website, social media, news or photos to help others understand what is your idea about.
Specify your location and contact details:
Name of business
Include link to your website (if available):
*Contact person name:
Link to LinkedIn accounts (if available):
Link to Facebook account (if available):
Link to Instagram account (if available):
Propose supporters for your idea (if available):
Add people or organisations in your network that you think would be interested to support your idea.
Producers / suppliers:
Agri-food businesses:
Specify the type(s) of response you wish to receive from SFSC businesses:*
If a producer or intermediary is interested in your idea how much do you want them to contribute to make it reach the market?
Do you want to submit your idea?