Specify the type of product or service you propose *
Is your idea about a new agri-food product or a new service for customers? You can select one or more of the options provided below or type a new one.
Specify the product type(s) your idea relates to: *
Some ideas are better connected to specific product types. Please select the categories of new products from the list or add a new type. If you are proposing a service, select the product types it would work best for.
Please describe the products below:
Are your products more specific or unique in terms of location, production method or else? Provide a short description below.
Give a short title for your idea: *
Describe your idea *
Describe the new product or service you want support for. To convince others to invest effort and funds in your idea, explain why it is different better and valuable for the consumers and what needs it covers that others don’t.
Upload any available material to support your idea:
You can upload images and other visual material to convince others to support your idea.
Present your company and experience
Describe your business in a few words *
Describe your skills and expertise that support your idea *
Please provide your contact information
Let consumers know who you are and how to find information about you.
*Name of business
Include link to your website (if available)
*Contact person name:
LinkedIn account (if available)
Facebook account (if available)
Instagram account (if available)
Specify your network (if available):
Agri-food businesses:
Other (please specify):
Specify the type(s) of support you need: *
Do you want to submit your idea?
Crowdfunding is a great tool to find funding for your idea with support of your local community. If you are new to crowdfunding, read our brief guide with answers to the most common questions.
We suggest the following crowdfunding platforms available in your local language:
Did you create a crowdfunding campaign?
Add the link here to let other users know how to support
If not, just click the "Finish" button below.